mardi 6 décembre 2016

Marinated fresh salmon


Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 0 minutes

Ingredients (for 4 people):

- 8 blocks of fresh salmon
- 1 l of olive oil
- 1 kg of coarse salt of Guérandes
- 2 carrots
- 1 red onion
- pink berries
- 3 bay leaves
- dill

Preparation of the recipe :

The more salmon will marinate the better it will be.
Prepare the dish at best 48 hours before or at least 24 hours before.
In a dish put the fresh salmon pads on a layer of coarse salt, then cover them thoroughly and put in cool overnight.
The next day, rinse the cobblestones with cold water, remove the skin with a knife and then cut into cubes.
In a salad bowl put the salmon cubes, the carrots in slices, the minced onion, the dill, the bay leaf, the lightly crushed pink berries and the lemon zest. Pepper but do not salt.
Cover with olive oil and cover with freshly coated film. Remove the dish at room temperature from time to time if the oil freezes.
Serve on the plate if it is for a buffet or present to the plate with a few steam rats.
