samedi 24 septembre 2016

Cake with walnuts and chocolate chips



- 3 oeufs
- 125 g de sucre semoule
- 1 sachet de levure chimique Alsa
- 75 g de farine
- 100 g de noix en poudre
- 100 g de beurre mou ous fondu
- 1 cuillère à soupe de cognac

Preparation of the recipe :

to preheat the oven

Separate the whites of 2 eggs and keep one whole

Beat the eggs (yolks + integer) with the caster sugar until whitening

Stir after the flour, powdered nuts, chocolate chips, brandy, yeast and finally the melted butter. Mix a little between each ingredient.

Mix well with a spatula to obtain a smooth paste without lumps.

Beat the egg whites until stiff and incorporate the above mixture

Butter a loaf pan and bake about 30 minutes. Prick the end of cooking to check.

Temps de préparation: 15 minutes
Temps de cuisson: 30 minutes
