samedi 17 septembre 2016

Tiramisu Mango


Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 0 minutes

Ingredients (serves 8):
- 6 eggs
- 500g mascarpone
- 150 g of sugar
- 2 mangoes cut into cubes
- 30 ladyfingers
- Mango liquor

Preparation of the recipe :

Separate the whites from the yolks.
Mount the egg whites with a pinch of salt.
Mix the yolks with the sugar until the mixture whitens.
Add the mascarpone and white incoporer.
Prepare a syrup with the proportions: 1/3 mango liqueur, 2/3 water.
Soak the sponge fingers in it and diposer in a dish.
Add half the pieces of mango and half of the egg and mascarpone mixture.
Reformer rank of ladyfingers, then mango, then mix.
Refrigerate several hours.
